Churches in Shelbyville, TN

34 businesses found

Life Worth Living Baptist Ministries Inc

2208 North Main St , 37160
Phone: (931) 680-0304

House Of Prayer

213 Idle Drive , 37160
Phone: (931) 703-5162

Life Worth Living Baptist Ministry

107 Lee Ann Drive , 37160
Phone: (931) 695-5357

Cannon Baptist Church

713 South Cannon Boulevard , 37160
Phone: (931) 684-5442

In His Steps Ministry Inc

211 Megan Circle , 37160
Phone: (931) 735-6357

Charis Christian Fellowship

112 Rverbend Cntry Club Road , 37160
Phone: (931) 492-5078

Warriors Reign Int'l Ministry

741 Madison St , 37160
Phone: (970) 872-3065

Himesville Church-the Nazarene

1614 Highway 82 South , 37160
Phone: (931) 684-6920

MT Zion Baptist Church

506 Hill St , 37160
Phone: (931) 684-5807

Hurricane Creek Baptist Church

689 Elbethel Road , 37160
Phone: (931) 684-4754

Fellowship For Christ Church

142 Richdale Lane , 37160
Phone: (931) 684-0949

Episcopal Church-the Reedemer

203 East Lane St , 37160
Phone: (931) 684-5506

Emmanuel Enterprises Inc

104 Richland Drive , 37160
Phone: (931) 684-4120

Mullin Chapel Church

601 Ledbetter Road , 37160
Phone: (931) 685-4547

Scott Horn Ministries Inc

600 South Hillcrest Drive , 37160
Phone: (931) 684-9984

Emmanuel Church Pentecostal

1005 Belmont Avenue , 37160
Phone: (931) 685-6999

Act of Faith

145 Mullins Chapel Road , 37160
Phone: (931) 735-6673

Victory Independent Bapt Chr

2200 North Main St , 37160
Phone: (931) 684-8114